Family Portraits in Central PA

Just need to get caught up so here goooooessssss, just a quick peek at what I've been up to this year!  I don't think I've blogged hardly any of my wonderful clients for 2012 and the end of 2011.  Of course you can always see more of my work on my Facebook Page found here.  I used to blog, then went to Facebook, now I'm thinking about going back to blogging with all of the Facebook changes.  Don't forget if you have liked any pages on Facebook and cannot figure out why they aren't showing up in your newsfeed anymore you must add them to your newsfeed or to an interest list, or both!  ;)



Miss "N" and Miss "G" - Family Photographers in Central PA

I loved photographing this family again!!  Look how these little ones have grown in just a year!  Little "N" also celebrated her first birthday! Here is a pic from last year. . .

and now

Pet Photographer in Central PA

Just a few of these special fur babies!